Sorry, online registrations have closed. If you have any questions, use the "contact us" link to contact the reunion committee.

 Join us on October 22, 2011 to renew old friendships and reminisce about the days gone by. 

We'll start the day off at beautiful Blue Springs, then party it up in downtown Gainesville at Villa East.

*Deadline to purchase tix: Oct. 12, 2011* 

Don't miss out...pay by Monday, Oct. 10th & you'll be eligible to win:

2 night stay at a Hyatt Hotel in the U.S.


$275 package from Johnston Photgraphy

You will be required to show proof of purchase at check-in the night of event. (email confirmation of payment from classquest)

Purchase on here is crucial....payment to venue, DJ, etc. are all due prior to the event.

FREE Class Reunion Websites from ClassQUEST